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What is Tantra?

Tantra is a system that comes from India and developed around the 5th century, reaching its peak around 1200. Some point to the 4th Buddha, Saraha, as the enlightened human who first learned Tantra from a female arrowsmith. She shared the incredible magic and wisdom of Shiva and Shakti’s teachings. Tantra seeks to find balance in opposites. The merging of masculine and feminine, light and dark, and fierce and graceful aspects of nature. Tantra supports the liberation of the mind and body as they merge. It seeks to remove the divisions that keep us from our full magnificence.

Tantra is a holistic approach to living life and finding union in communication, emotions, spirituality, psychology, sexuality, psychic ability, self-healing relationships, and material success. It includes sacred art (Yantra), music (Mantra or Japa), movement (yoga or mudra), advanced breathing (pranayama), and so much more. This sacred practice is vast in scope. Those first learning Tantra may be confused due to its rich history of mysticism and ritual.

The more one explores learning Tantra, the more one can find libraries of ancient texts, scriptures, and sutras. It’s deeply rooted in (now known as) Hindu deities and tradition, ancient aboriginal practices, and yogic approaches. The teachings of Mahamudra Tantra release many from the need to put Tantra into a specific box. It offers the freedom to explore and experience life in full awareness, bliss, and ecstasy while succeeding in all areas of life. To witness, we are not ruled by karma but rather allow karma to be our teacher as we learn each footstep on this planet creates a ripple effect.

Living in blissful moments of awareness allows less karmic debt to be gathered, as our eyes are more open to seeing both the inner and outer universe. Seeing all that life offers a powerful insight that guides us towards simple joy and bliss. The simplest things in life can seem so complicated. Moving out of our way is key to fully unlocking the secrets of Tantra. You have most likely already experienced the beautiful nature this life has to offer.

Tantra gives us the roadmap to experience this more often, and with the practice of total awareness, we can obtain life in a constant state of ecstatic nature. A significant movement in the West over the past 40 years has illuminated Tantra after years of being kept in great secrecy. Social norms have created a population that has repressed the natural and sacred aspects of sexuality. Tantra offers clear wisdom for using sexual energy in all aspects of life. As social transformation occurs, more and more people look to be educated in higher sexual energy arts. As this information becomes more available, the context of Tantric wisdom has been somewhat diluted, and techniques of advanced sexual union have come to the forefront.

Most Western beginning students of Tantra are looking to receive sexual techniques that will allow them to become better lovers or experience more sexual pleasure.  Although this is a wonderful residual effect of practicing Tantra, the totality of Tantra is often overlooked. Connecting to and using sexual energy is like tapping into an endless source of electricity.  Keeping this electricity at the source wastes the full potential of using this energy across the

Tantra exploration and learning
Tantra helps to Bring you through the weather of life

body.  Nevertheless, Tantra allows us to create and move this energy and look at things that might limit it to correct it. Using this same metaphor, Tantra’s full practice allows us to transform and grow as we can produce more positive electricity.

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