
15 day Tantric Journey with Shawn Roop of Tantra Quest

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $130.00.

15 day program with Shawn Roop of Tantra Quest.


This is your chance to expand your Tantric Journey with Shawn Roop of Tantra Quest. Two 30 min Zoom calls, and Voxer (phone app) access for 15 days. Explore relationship, career, purpose, or spirituality with a Tantric Lens. This is a 15-day program. It’s a chance to go a bit deeper. The sessions will be booked after getting this package. You will be sent a questionnaire about your intention for the month and 3 different days/times that could be booked. (ex: Tuesdays at 4p, Fridays at 9a and Sundays at 7pm). You will also be given Voxer info and that will allow you to Voxer Shawn anytime, as much as you want. Response times are within the day, It’s such a great way to get your personal relationship with Tantra kicked off right!


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