Self Care and You
Shawn Roop |  Jan 8, 2022

Are You Neglecting Your Own Needs?

In this day and age, our attention is constantly getting pulled in a million different directions at once. Our jobs, friends, and family all expect a lot from us, and, more often than not, we heap the heaviest expectations upon ourselves. This often leads to increased stress, worsened physical and mental health, and a weakened feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We give, and we give until there’s little to nothing left. We neglect our own needs, pushing ourselves to sacrifice sleep for work, our happiness for that of others, and our precious time. Plus, what are we offering others if we are depleted?

So, how to prevent this or stop it once it’s started?

In this article, we’re going to help you take charge of your life and stop neglecting your own needs.

Signs You’re Neglecting Your Own Needs
If you have a pattern of sacrificing for others, making sure everyone else’s needs are met before your own, sometimes at the cost of your own, you’re neglecting your own needs on a regular basis.

Similarly, if you find yourself constantly feeling in desperate need of a break, tired, weakened, and drained, you’ve likely been neglecting your needs.

How to Stop Neglecting Your Own Needs
If you’ve noticed the above is true of you, it’s time you start taking care of yourself. For many in this position, it’s difficult to start putting themselves first occasionally and often feels selfish.

We’re here to assure you that taking care of your own needs is not, in fact, selfish. Think about the safety videos you watch on airplanes; you have to secure your mask before you can help someone else because if you’re not safe and perish, how can you help anyone?

The same is true of your health and basic needs: how can you expect to help others if you’re weakened and drained? You have to take care of yourself.

I know, the word selfish might want to jump in here. OK, let it. Let’s look at the word selfish. What if being selfish meant taking care of you so you can share with others? Start putting yourself first every once in a while. Don’t take on as many responsibilities when you need a night off to recharge. Take a pass on cooking on a night when it seems like a daunting or even impossible task. Say no when you genuinely don’t have the time or the ability to stretch yourself any thinner.

How to Prevent This from Happening
Awareness is everything. If you’re lucky enough that this hasn’t become an issue for you yet, be proactive in preventing it from happening. Take care of yourself; ensure you’re relaxing each day, eating well, getting exercise, going to the doctor regularly, etc.

When you need a break, please take it. When you’re already stretched thin, tell someone no; it’s OK not to take on more than you can handle just to help someone out.

The best and most important way you can prevent this from happening is by listening to your body. It will always tell you the truth. If you find yourself overly stressed, overworked, or emotionally exhausted, allow yourself time to relax and recharge. You don’t have to kill yourself for your career, and you aren’t the only one that could help the person asking.

It’s important to take care of yourself.

Our attention is constantly getting demanded from and pulled in a million different directions. Between all our technology, social media, constant news updates, demanding careers, and instant gratification, we can’t get a distraction-free moment for ourselves.

We tend to put all these things first, before our health and needs, resulting in our slow downfall. It’s OK and even necessary to put yourself first on occasion. You’re able to do more and better work for your boss, friends, or family when you’re at your best.

Take charge of your life and stop neglecting your own needs. Your body and nervous system will thank you.

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